Ketika cinta bertasbih sandarannya Tuhan.
Siapa Tuhan kalau bukan Allah S.W.T.
Hari ini perkara ini seolah- olah memujuk hati saya.
Lalu membuat saya berteka- teki. Tambahan pulak disuruh dengar satu lagu terbaru Alif Satar.
Dikisahkan lagi dengan cerita kawan yang senasib saya. Em..saya berfikir.
Darurat hati bernanah, disimpan garam lagi parah.
Namun jika tabibnya Sang Pencipta, lalu punahlah amarah.
Lepaskanlah anak ikan yang terjerat dek jaring, hidupnya bukan di darat tapi di laut.
Zalim meletakkan sesuatu bukan pada tempatnya. Lalu siapa aku untuk meletakkan darat sebagai habitatnya?
Zalim juga namanya meletakkan manusia yang bukan pada cintanya. Lalu siapa aku untuk diletakkan padanya? Yang bukan pada tempatnya, yang bukan selayaknya.
Mungkin jahitan belum kukuh untuk membaluti tubuh. Mungkin juga mahirnya kurang menghasilkan kurung yang indah lagi mempesona. Jika sekadar membaluti tubuh si anak kecil tidak mampu, apatah lagi si pahlawan negara? Sedang kasih bersandarkan Tuhan itu lebih jauh tinggi darjatnya, bukan sekadar sekecil anak kecil, kenapa cuma sejengkal benang engkau siapkan?
Jenuh monolg sendiri. Ungkapan intrapersonal yang saban hari. Lalu ini permuafakatan hati. Akan ku cari berjuta gumpalan benang, bukan hanya untuk tubuh si kecil namun untuk pahlawan negara yang namanya juga sang Raja. Selayaknya cinta bersandarkan Yang Maha Esa.
Pena menulis lagi dan lagi, bukan cuma di atas kertas tapi di ruangan ini. Semoga apa yang ditulis oleh pena ini dapat dikongsi bersama dan bermanfaat untuk semua.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
I have a dream.
No matter what, I got to pursue my dream. Everyone has dream and so am I. Even I got the master of disaster problem, I know I can face it. That is the importance of live soul. I got no 'you' but still i got 'me'. I am not that, this, these and those. I know my ability, I know the circumstance. Don't worry, craziness still far away from me.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Ketika ini..
Ketika ini..
selalu dengar lagu- lagu yang mengimbau nostalgia zaman kanak- kanak.
rasa rindu yang terlampau dengan zaman itu yang ditinggalkan berbelas tahun.
rasa teringin untuk kembali semula ke alam itu.
Ketika ini..
ada terfikir tentang manusia yang ingin hatinya dipuaskan sentiasa..
orang tak buat apa- apa pun boleh2 dia sakit hati..
tu belum lagi buat apa2 tu..
tak fikir ke orang ada masalah, orang tengah tekanan?
lagak je macam alim lebih! tapi hati busuk juga!
selalu dengar lagu- lagu yang mengimbau nostalgia zaman kanak- kanak.
rasa rindu yang terlampau dengan zaman itu yang ditinggalkan berbelas tahun.
rasa teringin untuk kembali semula ke alam itu.
Ketika ini..
ada terfikir tentang manusia yang ingin hatinya dipuaskan sentiasa..
orang tak buat apa- apa pun boleh2 dia sakit hati..
tu belum lagi buat apa2 tu..
tak fikir ke orang ada masalah, orang tengah tekanan?
lagak je macam alim lebih! tapi hati busuk juga!
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Teori Kecerdasan Pelbagai
Teori kecerdasan pelbagai ni saya dah belajar lama dulu.Tapi dah terlupa dan apabila kena membuat RPH PJ, barulah mengorek semula apa ke jadahnye Teori Kecerdasan Pelbagai (TKP) ni..
Menurut teori ni, manusia mempunyai pelbagai kecerdasan. Semuanya ada 8 iaitu:
1. Linguistic Intelligence
2. Logical- mathematical intelligence
3. spatial intelligence
4. bodily- kinesthetic
5. musical intelligence
6. interpersonal intelligence
7. intrapersonal intelligence
8. naturalist intelligence
1. Linguistic intelligence itu adalah berkenaan dengan perkataan. Orang yang boleh menggunakan perkataan secara berkesan sama ada melalui lisan ataupun tulisan. Contohnya memanipulasi ayat, gaya bahasa dan sebagainya. Orang yang ada kecerdasan ini sesuai jadi penulis, sasterawan, pensyarah sastera, dan penceramah.
2. Logical- mathematical intelligence pula ialah orang yang boleh berfikir secara saintifik iaitu mengutarakan sesuatu sebab secara logik. Biasanya kecerdasan ini dimiliki oleh para ahli saintis.
3. spatial intelligence pula biasanya dimiliki oleh orang yang boleh mencipta gambaran mental dan mengamati dunia visual. Pelukis dan arkitek biasanya memerlukan kecerdasan ini.
4. bodily- kinestetik pula ialah kecerdasan berkenaan pergerakan dan kemahiran fizikal. Biasanya penari- penari dan orang- orang Pendidikan Jasmani memang punya kecerdasan ini.
5. Musical intelligence ialah kecerdasan berkenaan muzik. Siapa lagi kalau bukan ahli muzik, penggubah lagu, dan penyanyi.
6. Interpersonal intelligence ialah kecerdasan berkenaan komunikasi berkesan dengan orang lain. biasanya ahli politik, pengacara, dan ahli perniagaan punya bakat ini.
7. Intrapersonal intelligence pula ialah kecerdasan berkenaan menilai diri sendiri. Ringkasnya dia boleh buat refleksi yang baek punya. Dia juga berkeupayaan untuk memotivasikan dirinya sendiri. Biasanya pakar motivasi, ahli psikologi, dan ahli falsafah punya kecerdasan ini.
8. Naturalist intelligence adalah kecerdasan mengkategorikan pelbagai flora dan fauna. Ni ahli botani dan biolgi memang ada.
Berdasarkan teori ini, tahulah kita bahawa manusia ini ada berbeza- beza kepandaiannya. Tidak semua kelapan- lapan kepandaian ini akan ada pada manusia. Kalau ada manusia yang punya semua ini, maka dia memang manusia jadi- jadian. Tapi itu bukan masalahnya,masalahnya di sini, ada manusia yang membanding- bandingkan kecerdasan ini. Katanya yang ini low standard la...yang itu lebih hebat la..ape ke bengapnye??
Sebenarnya semua kecerdasan ini tak perlu dibanding- banding. Kalau you hebat dalam sukan dan I hebat dalam bahasa, tak bermakna you lebih hebat daripada I. Dan begitu juga sebaliknya.
Kadang- kadangkan, sesetengah kecerdasan itu lebih diagungkan menyebabkan manusia yang punya kecenderungan ke arah itu dinobatkan sebagai manusia yang hebat. Padahal sebenarnya orang lain pun sama hebat jugak cuma bukan pada bidang yang sama. Oleh kerana ketidakadilan inilah, maka orang yang sebenarnya punya potensi dalam bidang lain tercicir. Orang yang punya kecerdasan lain tak berpeluang memperluaskan lagi kecerdasannya itu. Maka terkuburlah sesuatu yang berharga kurniaan Tuhan.
Menurut teori ni, manusia mempunyai pelbagai kecerdasan. Semuanya ada 8 iaitu:
1. Linguistic Intelligence
2. Logical- mathematical intelligence
3. spatial intelligence
4. bodily- kinesthetic
5. musical intelligence
6. interpersonal intelligence
7. intrapersonal intelligence
8. naturalist intelligence
1. Linguistic intelligence itu adalah berkenaan dengan perkataan. Orang yang boleh menggunakan perkataan secara berkesan sama ada melalui lisan ataupun tulisan. Contohnya memanipulasi ayat, gaya bahasa dan sebagainya. Orang yang ada kecerdasan ini sesuai jadi penulis, sasterawan, pensyarah sastera, dan penceramah.
2. Logical- mathematical intelligence pula ialah orang yang boleh berfikir secara saintifik iaitu mengutarakan sesuatu sebab secara logik. Biasanya kecerdasan ini dimiliki oleh para ahli saintis.
3. spatial intelligence pula biasanya dimiliki oleh orang yang boleh mencipta gambaran mental dan mengamati dunia visual. Pelukis dan arkitek biasanya memerlukan kecerdasan ini.
4. bodily- kinestetik pula ialah kecerdasan berkenaan pergerakan dan kemahiran fizikal. Biasanya penari- penari dan orang- orang Pendidikan Jasmani memang punya kecerdasan ini.
5. Musical intelligence ialah kecerdasan berkenaan muzik. Siapa lagi kalau bukan ahli muzik, penggubah lagu, dan penyanyi.
6. Interpersonal intelligence ialah kecerdasan berkenaan komunikasi berkesan dengan orang lain. biasanya ahli politik, pengacara, dan ahli perniagaan punya bakat ini.
7. Intrapersonal intelligence pula ialah kecerdasan berkenaan menilai diri sendiri. Ringkasnya dia boleh buat refleksi yang baek punya. Dia juga berkeupayaan untuk memotivasikan dirinya sendiri. Biasanya pakar motivasi, ahli psikologi, dan ahli falsafah punya kecerdasan ini.
8. Naturalist intelligence adalah kecerdasan mengkategorikan pelbagai flora dan fauna. Ni ahli botani dan biolgi memang ada.
Berdasarkan teori ini, tahulah kita bahawa manusia ini ada berbeza- beza kepandaiannya. Tidak semua kelapan- lapan kepandaian ini akan ada pada manusia. Kalau ada manusia yang punya semua ini, maka dia memang manusia jadi- jadian. Tapi itu bukan masalahnya,masalahnya di sini, ada manusia yang membanding- bandingkan kecerdasan ini. Katanya yang ini low standard la...yang itu lebih hebat la..ape ke bengapnye??
Sebenarnya semua kecerdasan ini tak perlu dibanding- banding. Kalau you hebat dalam sukan dan I hebat dalam bahasa, tak bermakna you lebih hebat daripada I. Dan begitu juga sebaliknya.
Kadang- kadangkan, sesetengah kecerdasan itu lebih diagungkan menyebabkan manusia yang punya kecenderungan ke arah itu dinobatkan sebagai manusia yang hebat. Padahal sebenarnya orang lain pun sama hebat jugak cuma bukan pada bidang yang sama. Oleh kerana ketidakadilan inilah, maka orang yang sebenarnya punya potensi dalam bidang lain tercicir. Orang yang punya kecerdasan lain tak berpeluang memperluaskan lagi kecerdasannya itu. Maka terkuburlah sesuatu yang berharga kurniaan Tuhan.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Everything and anything looks the same.
In my view through my spectacles, everything and anything looks the same. People of every place and any place have the same behavior. I think I should accept my fate that GOD has written for me. Whatever I do, the same thing happen. My effort is useless, myself is bad and contain empty of kindness. Horrible! Resemble to devil. Is that so? I do nothing yet to harm people but people seems insist me to do so. I always feel sympathy to people who got in trouble but always they bite me back for my help. They treat me like rubbish. Awful!
I am the queen of weakness. The loser! People think about me that way. Everything and anything is wrong, bad, and so on negatively. For this moment, I'm done with these matters. I look them entirely empty with ended count of time, bored and no idea. You want to blame me, scold me or whatever, you just can talk to my hand. I have no intent to listen no more. My effort is useless cause the result will be the same. What I can do is counting time, waiting for the end and just live my life like this.
I am the queen of weakness. The loser! People think about me that way. Everything and anything is wrong, bad, and so on negatively. For this moment, I'm done with these matters. I look them entirely empty with ended count of time, bored and no idea. You want to blame me, scold me or whatever, you just can talk to my hand. I have no intent to listen no more. My effort is useless cause the result will be the same. What I can do is counting time, waiting for the end and just live my life like this.
Murphy's Law
- Murphy's Law of Thermodynamics
Things get worse under pressure. - The Murphy Philosophy
Smile . . . tomorrow will be worse. - Quantization Revision of Murphy's Laws
Everything goes wrong all at once. - Murphy's Constant
Matter will be damaged in direct proportion to its value - Murphy's Law of Research
Enough research will tend to support whatever theory. - Research supports a specific theory depending on the amount of funds dedicated to it.
Sent by Tony '68 - Addition to Murphy's Laws
In nature, nothing is ever right. Therefore, if everything is going right ... something is wrong.
What once was mine..
Flower gleam and glow,
Let your power shine,
Make the clock reverse,
Bring back what once was mine..
What once was mine..
Let your power shine,
Make the clock reverse,
Bring back what once was mine..
What once was mine..
Sunday, July 17, 2011
My world is not yours!
Is that wrong to have my world exclusively MINE? Why you are always trying to object me and makes your mind as the fact? I have my own style, did I ask you any help? Why you always want to state that I am wrong and you are right?? Do you still remember that there is a moment when you object me about a fact but mine is true? Do you still remember that? Or your so embarrass to confess about your mistake?
I able to accept others opinion but your opinion always together with amazingly hatred action and expression that I truly cannot accept. I met many people but you are the only person who makes me feel that way.
Okay then..I don't think that a creature like you can realize that, since you have many supporters. The solution is only one: I DON'T SPEAK WITH AN IRRITATING PERSON LIKE YOU EXCEPT FOR CRUCIAL NECESSARY! In addition, I WILL NOT SHOW MY WEAKNESS IN FRONT OF YOU ESPECIALLY TEARS.
I able to accept others opinion but your opinion always together with amazingly hatred action and expression that I truly cannot accept. I met many people but you are the only person who makes me feel that way.
Okay then..I don't think that a creature like you can realize that, since you have many supporters. The solution is only one: I DON'T SPEAK WITH AN IRRITATING PERSON LIKE YOU EXCEPT FOR CRUCIAL NECESSARY! In addition, I WILL NOT SHOW MY WEAKNESS IN FRONT OF YOU ESPECIALLY TEARS.
Sukar dan tak best,
Sukarnya hendak memujuk hati yang selalu kena palu- palu ni. Apalah nasib badan jadi begini. Nak aku diam membantu aje?? Macam mayat tak bernyawa. Hakikatnya aku ada nyawa dan perasaan.
Tak best la...sungguh tak best! Next time tolonglah mudah- mudahan tak kena lagi. Cukuplah pandangan mata rendah itu kali ini. Cukuplah aku dengar dan berkali- kali difahamkan secara bukan lisan bahawa aku salah dan kau betul. Itu fakta ka atau auta? OMG! Tolonglah!
Tak best la...sungguh tak best! Next time tolonglah mudah- mudahan tak kena lagi. Cukuplah pandangan mata rendah itu kali ini. Cukuplah aku dengar dan berkali- kali difahamkan secara bukan lisan bahawa aku salah dan kau betul. Itu fakta ka atau auta? OMG! Tolonglah!
Saturday, July 16, 2011
One day in my holiday, I watched an English movie. I don’t remember the title but it told me something.
There is a woman who has two men in her life. The first man is the man who she has to marry with due to the plan of their family. Both of them are respecting each other. There never quarrel and their relationship seems have no problem at all. But something that people cannot see is there is no love between them. The woman feels no joy with the man as she knows that the man take care of her not because he loves her but to protect himself from being blamed by the woman’s parents if anything bad happen to her.
The second man is the woman’s friend and also the first man’s friend. This man is very different with the first man. He likes to do crazy things even though it is dangerous. With this man, the woman feels joy and she discovered something that is called love.
If you become the woman who you would like to choose? The first man or the second man? I bring this scenario into my world. Not just about love between man and woman but more than that because love is very wide in meaning. I would like to take two things from this story that are respect and love.
Respect without love. No quarrel and everything are fine but no joy. Love without respect, there are joy but quarrel always happen. Respect and love is the right way but much understanding needed. To me, among all these I only want to choose first and third options. Why?
Respect without love, at least both of you are fine. You can live with that person and do you own business. However if love without respect, the love will fade. Then, you will have nothing left with him/her. For respect and love, this is the best choice. But, to me it is hard to be achieved. Why? For two persons who are not engage in love, they will not demand for anything good from each other. This is truly right! Just imagine, if you are sick do you hope that someone who is not close to you to take care of you? For sure no. You will hope your best friend come to see you and to take care of you. If it not happen as what you hope, you might unsatisfied. Quarrel can happen. However, high understanding and contribution can cure it. I believe that respect can be done in easier way without love because with respect, you are not demanding too much as what you will do in love. As human being, it is easy to say about good things but when you have to do it you will find it hard especially when you face with bad situation. So, for people who like to advise other people and think he/she is always right, mind these words.
In love, you need respect to make your love everlasting. But somehow, if you not trust to give respect in love, you have to respect without love.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Kind of English poem.
Just follow the black shadow,
I know I am not a good fellow,
But at least not a wick crow,
Who keep knife in a smile show.
Burn the fire on the water,
Burn it with without shelter,
Look what happen later,
Would it be better?
You happy in the tornado of my heart,
My eyes see it not so smart,
It smells like your fart,
The cut that you thought as art.
You can go to the beach,
Enjoy the happiness that you reach,
Develop the love that you never teach,
But something that will fade and bleach.
I know I am not a good fellow,
But at least not a wick crow,
Who keep knife in a smile show.
Burn the fire on the water,
Burn it with without shelter,
Look what happen later,
Would it be better?
You happy in the tornado of my heart,
My eyes see it not so smart,
It smells like your fart,
The cut that you thought as art.
You can go to the beach,
Enjoy the happiness that you reach,
Develop the love that you never teach,
But something that will fade and bleach.
Remedial vs. enrichment material
TASK 3: Select and evaluate remedial and enrichment materials
I. Compare and contrast the material collected (Remedial vs. enrichment material).
Aspects | Remedial | Enrichment |
Contents | It contents more words and fewer requirements. | It contents fewer words with more requirements. |
The options of answers are available. | There is no option of answer available. | |
It has fewer questions. | It has more questions. | |
It uses easy words. | It uses easy words. | |
It requires close- ended answers. | It requires open- ended answers. | |
It does not need critical and creative skills to be answered. | It needs critical and creative skills to be answered. | |
Layout | It is more attractive. | It is less attractive. |
It uses big size of font. | It uses big size of font. | |
It has graphic. | It has no graphic. |
II. Select one sample of the remedial and enrichment activities and simplify the material for English Language Teaching (ELT)
Aspects | Enrichment | Remedial |
Strength | - It encourages the students to think critically and creatively. - It gives opportunity for the students to give open-ended answers. - It gives opportunity for the students to apply and exercise their writing skill. - It use big size if font. - It uses easy words. | - It has options of answers. - It has graphic that make it attractive. - It use big size if font. - It uses easy words. |
Weakness | - The appearance is a little bit dull and not suitable for the young students at year 1. | - It does not encourage the students to think critically and creatively. |
Suggestions | - It should have example to guide the students in answering the questions. - It should be more attractive. | - It should have example to guide the students in answering the questions. - The questions should be seven not five because there are 7 days overall. |
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